Critique For Art Problem

you need to choose one of the picture that i attached towrite an art critique. and please follow the instrustion, and what i attached. this paper is due on wednesday 12pm at noon!

Format & Length:

Your critique should be presented as professionally as possible. It must be double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font (no bold type), with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.  Do not put extra spacing between paragraphs.

 The paper must include a title page, plus 1.5 to 2.5 pages of text, (not to exceed 4 pages), and a Works Cited page. The MLA format should be used. You may use online sources for the MLA style. (Google: OWL at Purdue) It is not necessary to include the image of the work of art you are analyzing, but it is fine if you do. If you include an image, use a separate page after the title page and before your critique text.  Do not include an image on the title page. You will be required to use at least one citation and a Works Cited page for this critique.

20 points will be deducted if your critique is not 1.5 to 2.5 pages of text.

 This is a strict requirement!

Your critique must be submitted as an attachment through SafeAssign on Bblearn. This is located below this assignment under Exams and Critiques—look for the green checkmark. The critique file must be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format only. 

 Late hard copies will not be accepted.  Remember that papers that we cannot open will not be graded.  No re-writes will be allowed!

Title Page:

There is a link to a visual image of this. (12 point font, Times New Roman) Do not attach the title page separately from the rest of the critique. Do not include an image on the title page.

The title page should contain:

  • Your Name ( your name—-not the one on the example)
  • ART 100, due date  ( the real due date)
  • Critique #2
  • Professor’s name   (Lynne Wright)
  • Analysis of: Title of Work of Art (or Title: Unknown) ,
  • By: (name of artist or Artist: Unknown) 

Remember that titles of art works, like book titles, need to be italicized or underlined.  This includes when you state the title on the title page and in the text of your paper.

Analysis of the Work of Art:

Your analysis of the works of art you have chosen to write about should include a formal, analytic description of the work as well as a personal interpretation. In all, the analysis must have 5 main sections: Description, Medium, Style, Elements & Principles, and Personal Interpretation.

1. Choose a sculpture from the choices given on the link provided.  The first paragraph of your paper should be a detailed description of the sculpture you have chosen to analyze. These descriptions must be thorough enough that the reader-graders should be able to visualize the works based on what you write.  Is the environment around the sculpture important?

2.  In the second paragraph, describe the medium (sculpting material) used in the work of art you are analyzing. The description of each medium should also include your opinion regarding why the artist chose the particular medium he/she used in the work of art. For example, one artist may choose to cast a sculpture in bronze for durability, while another artist may choose to model a piece in soft, malleable clay because it is more direct and expressive.  Explain how the chosen medium enhances the statement the artist makes in the work you analyze.

3.  In the third paragraph, analyze the style of the sculpture.  Is it realistic, idealistic, abstract, or non-objective?  Discuss when the work you have chosen to write about was produced. You may wish to provide a short background on the artist. Remember to use citation. You must discuss the time period in which the sculpture was created and use an in-text citation and citation page using the MLA style.  What does this work express about the time and culture in which it was created?

4.  The fourth paragraph of your critique should be an analysis of the formal elements and principles of design used in this work of art. Remember, you must discuss at least four elements or principles and use them with the correct meanings.  Your vocabulary should use terms for 3-D art. This is worth 20 points of your grade.

5.  Lastly, please give your personal interpretation and opinion of the sculpture you have chosen. Explain why you chose this particular work from those available. Discuss such matters as:  What is it about the work that appeals to you or displeases you?  How does this work make you feel?  Does the work evoke emotions, such as laughter, boredom, disgust, delight?  Why?

Please see the grading rubric for a clear outline of what must be included in your critique, and the point values assigned to each section. 

Please note:    If you use direct quotes or information drawn from research sources or paraphrasing them, those sources must be cited in-text, and in a Works Cited page in the MLA Citation Style.If you do not cite quotations or the source(s) of specific information, you are plagiarizing.

I do not accept Wikipedia as a source! 

Point Value of Critique

  • The critique will be graded out of 100 points. 

Evaluation and Content the Critique:

·         The critique will be graded according to a rubric. There is a link to this that you should read before you submit your critique.  The number to the left is the highest number of points given for each section of the critique.

·         Critiques may NOT be re-written for a higher grade.  

·         You may consult the Professor or the Reader-Grader for assistance prior to turning in your critique.

·         If you need assistance with grammar, spelling or punctuation, please contact the Learning Assistance Center for tutoring.

·         Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment. I will pursue plagiarists and turn in an Academic Dishonesty Report to the Dean.  This will be on your permanent record!

 Before You Submit Your Critique:

     Did you overuse the words, “very”, “really”, “just”, “kind of”?

Instead of using “you”, did you use “I”, or “the viewer”, or “one”?

Did you use contractions?  Do not say “don’t, “doesn’t”—say “do not” and “does not”.

Did you use slang terms or phrases?  (This sculpture was so like totally awesome, man….it really popped….it’s so sick!)

Did you use proper capitalization?  (I, not i)

Is there a title page in the correct format? (12 point font—Times New Roman—Do not include pictures on the title page)

Are your descriptions of the works clear and detailed?  Do they fully identify the sculpture?

Did you discuss the style of the work?  Did you include the date?

Did you identify four elements or principles that are unique to the work of art? Did you explain how and why the artist used those elements or principles to make the statement he/she intended for the work?

Did you explain your personal thoughts and opinions about the work?

Did you or a friend read the critique aloud to check the content and flow of your paper?

Did you edit carefully, checking spelling, grammar and punctuation?

Is the title of the work of art in either italics or underlined and proper capitalization used?

When you consulted the internet or any publication to do research for your critique, did you correctly cite your resources in-text and in a works cited page in the MLA style?  This includes direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Do you have 1.5 – 2.5 pages of text in the correct format?  20 points will be deducted from your paper if you have less than 1.5 – 2.5 pages of text—no extra spaces!

Rubric for Evaluation of Critique

Critique #2 will be graded according to the rubric below. The number to the left is the highest number of points given for each section of the critique.


5          Title Page:  Followed the example of the title page; include all information in the example. (Your name, Art 100, due date, Critique #2, Professor’s name, Analysis of 🙂 

15        Description:  Described the work of art in your own words so that someone could visualize it from your description.

10        Medium:  Described the medium (sculpting materials-methods) and why you think the artist chose this particular medium.

10        Style:  Identified whether the sculpture you chose to write about is idealistic, representational, abstract, or non-objective and explain why you chose that description. Discussed the historical time it was created. (Proper citation and citation page included.)

20        Four Elements/ Principles:  Discussed at least four (4) elements and/or principles of design in your critique, explaining how each is used in your chosen work of art. Used the vocabulary discussed in class and in your text. Did your vocabulary use terms for 3-D art?

10        Personal:  Explained why you chose this particular work of art from those available. Discussed such matters as: What is it about this work that appeals to you or displeases you? How does the sculpture make you feel?  Would you make any changes?

15        Content:  These points reflect the overall success of your critique. Did it flow easily from one point to the next?  Did your sentences make sense?  Did you have redundant ideas?  Did your critique make sense? 

15        Editing:  Points will be deducted for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Please edit your paper carefully.

100      Total points possible


–100    Any papers (or parts of papers) found to be copied directly from any source is considered a failure.  This is easy to check on!

-100     Incorrect format—must be submitted in Microsoft Word, .doc or .docx

-100     Not using a sculpture from the choices given in Bblearn.

-5         Using Wikipedia as a source.

-10       Lack of Works Cited Page (-5) and/or lack of in-text citation (-5):  You must use a quotation or information (or paraphrasing of) from a book or Internet site. You must include in-text citations and a Works Cited page using the MLA style. It is necessary to do research to write an excellent critique.

-20       Number of Pages: The written portion of your critique (not including the title page or works cited page) must be at least 1.5-2.5 pages long, double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font (no bold type), with no extra space at the top or bottom of the page or between paragraphs. If the critique does not meet these criteria, 20 points will be deducted from your overall critique grade.  Please do not exceed four (4) pages in length (not including the title page, image page, or works cited page).

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