Adolescent Obesity: Causes, Implication And Remedy

Research Paper Guidelines and
Example of an Outline and Topic
The purpose of this outline is to assist you with writing a final research paper on
a health topic where you will report information on specific concepts that will be
covered this quarter. Please note: The assignment has three parts, including the
Research Paper DRAFT Outline, the Research Paper Final Outline and the
Research Paper. Although you will select the health topic you are interested in
(with instructor approval), this paper is specific to the concepts learned in the
class. Be sure to carefully read and follow these instructions, including the
required page number (minimum and maximum), following APA, 6 th edition, and
using the instructor critique that you receive in the drafts. If you need help writing
the outline or paper, please contact the Walden Writing Center early in the
quarter so you can be sure and receive the help you need.
1. Research Paper DRAFT Outline
The draft outline of your proposed topic is due by Day 7 of Week 4. Your draft
research paper outline must be supported by a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed or
primary research articles. Secondary sources such as newspapers, television or
radio shows, or product advertisements are not acceptable. Include a brief
summary or annotation of how the article supports the corresponding topic in
your outline. Be sure to give specific examples of how the citation supports the
appropriate sections of the outline. Completing this will serve as a schematic for
the final paper and should be as specific as possible. Each section of your outline
should be supported by the data that you have interpreted from the articles you
have chosen. Each outline must be accompanied with an annotated bibliography.
If you are unsure of what an annotated bibliography is, be sure to use the Writing
Center resources and contact your instructor early if instructions are not clear.
Refer to the instructions for the outline listed in the Research Paper
Guidelines and on the Week 3 Application and the syllabus for further
information. Remember that your outline must receive instructor feedback before
you can proceed. You cannot submit your Research paper without approval of
the drafts.
When complete, save the assignment as APP4+last name+first initial. For
example, Sally Ride’s assignment would read “APP4RideS”. Submit this
assignment via the Dropbox. Use the “Submit an Assignment” link, choose the
Week 4: Application basket, then add your Application as an attachment.
Reminder: Continue to locate research articles that support the topic of your
research paper. Keep in mind that you must include a minimum of 10 peer
reviewed or scholarly articles for your final paper. No newspapers, television or
radio shows, or newspapers, or URL’s that are used for advertisement of


products. Be sure to review the Research Paper Guidelines prior to
completing this assignment.
2. Research Paper FINAL Outline
The Final Outline is due by Day 7 of Week 7. The outline of your proposed
topic of your research that you turned in Week 4 should include any suggested
and required revisions from the instructor and demonstrate further expansion of
your topic. Refer to the instructions for the outline listed in the Research Paper
Make any revisions that your instructor has given on your Week 4 outline and
include further research that you have done. Expound on each section of your
outline and support your work with the required number of references. Include a
brief summary, or annotation, of how the added articles support the
corresponding topic in your outline. Be sure to give specific examples of how the
citation supports the appropriate sections of the outline. Completing this will
serve as a schematic to help you write your research paper which is due Week
11 Day 7.
When complete, save the assignment as APP7+last name+first initial. For
example, Sally Ride’s assignment would read “APP7RideS”. Submit this
assignment via the Dropbox. Use the “Submit an Assignment” link, choose the
Week 7: Application basket, then add your Application as an attachment.
Example of an Outline and Topic:
The first step in writing a research paper is to create an outline. The following is
an example of an outline for your paper and it includes the specific required
components. The topic will be different according to what you select. You must
include at least 10 references to support your sections. These same references
will be used in your final paper. All sources must be credible and scholarly and
should be as recent as possible. Again, that means no magazines, newspapers,
or product ads. Carefully review APA manual and Writing Center information for
scholarly writing.
The following is an example of the structure and content of the outline, which will
build to your research paper. All the general information should be included in
your outline as well as data and information that are relevant to the topic you
have chosen. In your outline, provide examples for each of the sections below
that relate to your paper and research (e.g., I –VII, etc. and a, b, c, d, etc.). Use
proper paraphrasing and review the information on paraphrasing and plagiarism
at the Walden Writing Center. Do not copy the language in the example-you
need to replace the guidance with the actual content. Read the articles you have
selected and provide additional information that expounds on each section of this


I. Examples of Topics: Adolescent Obesity, Violence in Families, Date Rape,
College Drinking, Environmental Pollution, HIV/AIDS, Spanking as Corporal
Punishment, Asthma in Children, Unintentional Injuries, Suicide, CVD, Risk
Factors of CVD, Breast or Prostate Cancer, Male Violence Against Women,
Health Impact of 9/11.
II. Provide Evidence that the Problem Exists : Your outline must include
reference/s and citations to support each part of the outline statement by using
author, year format. For example, when you identify a reference, provide the
author and year (e.g., Smith, 2010) of the article you are using to support your
work. Multiple authors demonstrate better scholarship than just one author.
Follow APA format for order of authors.
a. Define the Population You Are Researching (Anderson, year; Beam,
year; Conner, year; Dane & Hall, year).
b. Incidence (Author, year; Author, year)
c. Prevalence (Author, year)
d. Significance (Author, year )

Behavioral Dimensions (Author, year)
a. Etiology (Author, year)
b. Expression (Author, year)


Psychosocial Dimensions
a. Etiology (Author, year)
b. Expression (Author, year)


Environmental Dimensions (Author, year)
a. Etiology (Author, year)
b. Expression (Author, year)


Prevention: Examples of Intervention Programs That Have Been
Implemented in the Past. What has been successful?
a. Primary (Author, year)
b. Secondary (Author, year)
c. Tertiary (Author, year)


Public Health Policy Implications (Author, year)
a. What are the implications of the research you have done in regards to
the policies that might be implemented? (Author, year)

Include the annotated bibliography page listing full text references at the end of
your outline, following APA formatting. Remember, all in-text citations must
match a complete reference in the bibliography, and vice versa.


Note: The concept “expression” includes the behavioral, psychosocial, and/or
environmental manifestations of the problem/concern. Behavioral manifestations
of adolescent obesity might include wearing baggy clothes, sedentary hours
before the TV, as well as signs and symptoms of a true body image disorder.
Psychosocial manifestations may be sadness, anger, loss of control of eating, or
not wanting to socialize with friends or others. Environmental manifestations
might be involved with ones surroundings, habitat or occupation. Etiology is the
cause of a disease.
3. Research Paper Guidelines
The Final Research Paper is due by Day 7 of Week 11. Your Final Project for
this course is to develop a research paper that is supported by a minimum of 10
references. You must support every statement made in a scholarly research
paper with a reference. Be very cautious when stating your opinion or using
terms suggesting absolute facts or values, as these MUST be supported by
Develop a paper of substance in which you:
• Examine behavioral science, social science, and public health in the 21 st
• Apply behavioral and social science approaches to a public health
• Consider conceptual and/or methodological factors in the integration of
behavioral and social sciences with public health
The length of the paper should be a maximum of 11 pages and minimum of 10
pages, NOT including title and reference pages. Your paper should be doublespaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman (or similar) font, with 1” margins all around.
Include in-text citations and a reference list: minimum of 10 references total: 6
from peer-reviewed journals and 4 from credible sources (e.g., no magazines,
newspaper articles or URL’s that are used for advertising). Be sure that your
references are considered scholarly. You may use more than the 10 references
but are not required to do so.
Note that textbooks, including the course texts, are composed of information
cited in other sources (see the reference sections in the assigned textbooks).
Failure to follow page guidelines may result in point reduction-it is important to be
able to write a paper that is both concise and conveys all of the necessary
information. It is also important to use scholarly writing and demonstrate clear,
evidence based thinking and research. Failure to follow APA style and scholarly
writing and source expectations will result in point reduction.

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