Our Revision Policy

Our Revision Policy

Our Revision Policy: We are happy to inform you that we do free paper revisions if you are unsatisfied with your order. One of our primary goals is providing customers with top-notch academic help, so you can count on a free-of-charge revision of the paper you purchased on FountainEssays.com. For this, your request must meet the following criteria:

  • Consistent instructions: You must provide revision directions that comply with your initial instructions for the order. For example, you cannot ask to rewrite your paper on a different topic.
  • Proper revision request: Be advised that you cannot order a revision via email or phone. Please use the special revision request button which you can find on your personal order page.
  • One week deadline: If you approve the paper you received, you can ask for editing anytime. Please note, however, that once you approve your order, you have only 7 days to have it revised for free.

Sometimes it may happen that the order needs major enhancements. Due to a number of reasons, you might want it to be rewritten from scratch, or to change large parts of it significantly. In this case, you will have to pay an extra fee, which is different in every particular case. To get an estimate of the fee, please contact our support team. The same applies if you have missed the 7-day deadline after having approved the order.

We understand that for big orders such as a full thesis or dissertation, one week is not enough. Such orders are subject to the Progressive Delivery feature, which means they are sent to you in parts as they are completed by the author. A revision request for orders with the Progressive Delivery feature can be submitted within 21 days after the initial approval.

In some cases, we can extend a revision deadline according to our writers’ requests–but only if the time frame you paid for allows such an extension.

You are free to request a different writer to perform a revision. Keep in mind though that we will need extra time to find a new writer. In this case, you might need to extend your deadline by 12 hours.

Revision Policy

Our revision policy Company is always doing its best to provide every customer with quality assistance. That is one of the reasons why we keep on attracting new customers and why lots of our clients are coming back. However, it cannot be avoided that customers may want to have some changes in it. Here is our Revision Policy to guide our customers when revising their papers.

  • Unlimited Revision – We are always doing our best to satisfy our clients. Our revision policy company is always maximizing everything in order to deliver the best service. However, there are some instances when customers may have something that is required to be changed. We can address such concern with the Unlimited Revision that we offer. There is no fee in doing so provided that it is availed within the time allowed and of course, with some conditions. The limitations are just very easy to meet though. Again, quality for us is the same as bringing customer satisfaction.
  • Within the Initial Agreement – It is very important to understand that customers may not be able to avail of this service if the initial agreement is not the same as what he/she wants for the revision. This will no longer be treated as revision since we have already fulfilled the initial agreement.

Again, we want everything to be easier for the customers with just minor attention from them. Our company takes care of the writing and we will always do our best in order to meet every specification and instructions that were given to us. But it is very important to look into the conditions before accepting your order. The time to avail of the free revision is very important. In addition to that, the customers should also review the papers very well before finally approving the order. We are giving them sufficient time in order to go through their papers. Our company would also want the customer to maximize the services that we offer like this unlimited revision.

We have the best writers to do the job and they can easily understand anything that you want to be revised. Provided that it is within the agreement and limitations, we will be more than happy to extend quality service. Some writing services may not offer such assistance. This is just one of those expertise which can be availed of by every customer that would entrust their paper to us.

Our Revision Policy, We are proud of our qualitative academic assistance. We are always ready to revise any text material in case it doesn’t meet your requirements. If your request for revision meets terms listed below, we will revise the text material three times without charging you money. Instructions: Instructions provided by you for revision shouldn’t conflict your initial instructions. If our Quality Assurance Department decides that text materials fully satisfy your initial instructions, your revision request will be rejected.

Submission: To submit a request for revision, click “Send for revision” button before the text material is approved. You can find this button on the page of your personal account. We suggest viewing the document in detail using the preview function before you decide to approve an order. If you have some technical problems and so cannot see the text material clearly in the preview mode, contact our Customer Support Representatives and ask about possible solutions.

If you approved the order, but it needs to be revised, contact our Customer Support Representatives and provide them with all necessary instructions for revision. You have to provide them with instructions during the appropriate period of time. Otherwise, your order may not be sent for revision. Deadline: Our revision policy may be requested at any time before you approve the order.

You also have seven days to ask for are vision in case your order has been approved. In case the order exceeds 20 pages, you can request are vision within 14 days from the approval date. If the first version of the order was delivered on time, the entire order will be also considered delivered on time.

Number of revisions: If revisions meet requirements listed above, we can complete three revisions for free. You are not limited regarding the number of instructions in your message. If your instructions on revisions don’t meet the requirements listed above, or in case you have already used three free revisions, you have to create a new order for proofreading/editing of the text material. In this order, you must clearly specify all changes that you want to be made.

Note that you have to approve the revised text materials within 14 days from the moment when the revision was completed. This period of time is calculated from the moment when the last version was uploaded to the page of your personal order. The text material or its parts are automatically approved after this period of time.

Read more at: https://fountainessays.com/revision-policy/

It is the foremost priority of our website to provide our clients with high-quality work. If you do not find the task delivered to you as satisfactory, you can always ask for free revisions. Three revisions are free for every client if it meets the following criteria:

Our revision policy: Instructions

Your initial instructions regarding the paper must match the revision instructions. You cannot change your instructions while asking for a revision. In such a case, we keep the right to reject your request for revision.

Our revision policy: Submission

Before approving the paper, you can ask for the revision by making use of the ‘send for revision’ button that is present on your account. However, if you wish to request a revision after approving the paper, you must contact our customer service within 7 days after pressing the approval button.

Our revision policy: Deadline

It is advised to preview the delivered paper before pressing the approve button. In this way, you can ask for one of your available three revisions. After that, you have 7 days to request a revision. For tasks that are longer than 20 pages in length, you get 14 days to ask for a revision after approval.

Our revision policy: Number of Revisions

  • Our revision policy: Every client is provided with 3 free revisions, only if they meet the above criteria.
  • Our revision policy: If you have used all your free revisions, or you wish to change some instruction, you must place a separate order for editing or proofreading.
  • Our revision policy: If you have approved the paper and a 7 days limit for asking a revision has also passed, you must place a separate order for editing or proofreading.
  • Our revision policy: Also, you get 7 days to approve the revised paper again. We instantly start calculating the time after the revision was sent to you. After that, we consider the revision as approved.

Our Policy Revision

No policy remains valid forever. Internal or external changes may impact a library policy and result in the need for policy revision. All library policies, including the selection policy, should be reviewed for necessary revisions on a regular schedule.

1) Removing Outdated Statements

Many selection policies reference intellectual freedom documents such as the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Frequently a copy of the actual document is appended to the policy. The School Library Bill of Rights is referenced in many school district selection policies. Created by the American Association of School Libraries in 1955, the document was withdrawn by the association in 1976 and replaced by “Access to Resources and Services in the School Library Media Program: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” in 1986.

When professional association policy statements are removed or revised, corresponding action should be reflected in a library’s resources selection policy. The selection our revision policy must reference the most up-to-date association policy statements. For example, the Association of College & Research Libraries adopted the most current version of “Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries” in 1999.

2) Politics and the Timing of Our Revision Policy

No revision should be undertaken while a formal challenge to a library resource is occurring. It is important to follow the current governing board-approved policy and process to maintain good faith with the community, complainants, and supporters. Revisions should occur after the final decision on the questioned material has been made. When a challenge has been resolved, those involved should reflect on the reconsideration experience and use new knowledge to revamp the current policy.

3) Consideration of New Material Formats for Inclusion

The process for including new material formats (e.g. online databases, ebooks, streaming media, games, apps) should be ongoing. Factors to consider in this decision include current demand, trends or growth in demand, and strengths and weaknesses of the format. Accessibility to patrons with special needs should also be considered when purchasing materials. Evaluating new material formats based on these criteria prepares the library to meet patrons demand.

What advice do we have to give about writing procedures? Most importantly – employ the Revision Stage of the Policy Process. The policy writing process considers activities that successful writers engage in while producing a piece of writing, and it applies whether one is writing an essay, a business letter, or a procedure. These writing activities are typically divided into three steps or phases — Planning, Drafting, and Revising. What’s the importance of the revision stage?

Why Do We Need a Revision Stage?

Once a draft  of the Standard Operating Procedure or SOP is completed, the revision stage begins. Obviously, the revising step means looking for errors. Recall while drafting we talked about not being obsessed about errors and perfect writing — such concerns can actually inhibit drafting. But revision is more than just looking for errors; it is about truly crafting the document.

An Iterative Approach to Procedure Revising

A frequently recommended way to tackle the SOP revision stage is to perform several iterations, starting with the big picture and working down to the smaller details. By big picture we mean reviewing the document’s design, appearance, and organization. Are there any issues with margins, spacing, headings, or other accouterments like pages numbers and proper information in headers and footers that need correcting or adding?

Paying attention to organization means paying attention to how topics are covered. Are all topics covered in the appropriate detail? Are they in the proper order? Is anything missing? Other things to look for at this level is appropriate and correct information in the title block, proper references, and ensure associated forms and work instructions are clearly indicated.

Revise Sentences to Be Clear and Concise

After addressing big picture issues, next, reviewing details means closely reading and editing the procedure document at the sentence level. The goal should be to write in the most direct way possible, and that means clear and concise sentences. Here are some things to consider in order to write direct sentences.

Our revision policy: Revise Unnecessary Words

Frequently writing, particularly technical writing, is verbose (not concise) and stilted. It should be a regular editing exercise to eliminate as many words as possible from a sentence while still conveying its intended meaning. For example, after eliminating unneeded words a sentence like, “It would seem to me that the indications are that the project has been essentially unsuccessful” becomes a much more direct sentence: “It seems that the project was unsuccessful.”

Be sure the subject and verbs are not obscure. Subjects and verbs should usually (there are very few hard and fast rules to writing) be clearly stated early in the sentence. If you cannot easily spot the subject and verb, the sentence is likely not very clear. Having a clear subject and verb (along with some word elimination) transforms confusing sentences.

For example, “Evaluation of the gumming tendency of the four tire types will be accomplished by comparing the amount of rubber that can be scrapped from the tires” into a much more clear and readable “We will evaluate the gumming tendency of the four tire types by comparing the amount of rubber scrapped from the tires”.

Our revision policy: The Problem With Policies

Simply put, a company policy is a statement that defines a business’s approach to an issue.

Ideally, a company’s policy manual, or employee manual, should be a comprehensive explanation of the company’s rules for employee conduct that communicates to employees what is appropriate behavior in the organization’s workplace.

In addition, a proper policy manual will also document the company’s actions on behalf of it’s employees such as vacation and sick time benefits, and so forth.

But the problem is that too many companies either fail to produce any written set of policies, or what they do have is often incomplete and out-of-date. The result is confusion, lack of consistency, and a lack of trust on the part of employees.

And, with the ever increasing number of government rules, regulations and policy mandates, especially in states such as California, it’s a good strategy to review and revise your company policy manual.

Our revision policy: Why You Should Revise Your Company Policy Manual

For employers, there is another perhaps more compelling reason for updating and revising a definitive company policy manual.

According to Wikipedia:

Federal and state laws and the growing number of cases of employee related litigation against management strongly suggests that a written statement of company policy is a business necessity for firms of any size.”

Examples of litigation against a company stemming from employee actions are the release of a customer’s private information and, of course, the actions of one employee against another, with sexual harassment being this type of offensive employee conduct.

And this does include the numbers of discrimination suits brought against employers by the the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Our revision policy: So what does your company policy manual look like today?

A company’s policy manual is its blueprint for internal operations. It is a written guide to how the company interacts with employees and runs its business. Policies cover all aspects of what a business expects from employees, such as attendance, safety rules, legal compliance with employment laws, facilities management, and dress codes.

Policies are guidelines that define company rules and procedure, and the consequences for not following them. And policy manuals should be regularly reviewed and updated when necessary. 

One of the most important aspects of any policy manual is that it is up-to-date.

Laws change, new issues arise, and the manual must be updated and kept current. And if your handbook is in multiple languages, each version needs to be updated, as well.

For this reason, a strategic approach to revising your policy manual means taking a fresh look at each and every policy to determine that they are:

  • Our revision policy is Accurate
  • Our revision policy is Up-to-date
  • Our revision policy is In compliance
  • Our revision policy is Complete
  • Our revision policy Understandable
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Professional and Experienced Academic Writers

We have a team of professional writers with experience in academic and business writing. Many are native speakers and able to perform any task for which you need help.

Free Unlimited Revisions

If you think we missed something, send your order for a free revision. You have 10 days to submit the order for review after you have received the final document. You can do this yourself after logging into your personal account or by contacting our support.

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Revision Support

If you think your paper could be improved, you can request a review. In this case, your paper will be checked by the writer or assigned to an editor. You can use this option as many times as you see fit. This is free because we want you to be completely satisfied with the service offered.